A lo largo de 2018, Celebramos 135 años de conocer a cada niño., todas las familias, donde su necesidad es mayor. Hacer lo que sea necesario para que los niños y las familias puedan prosperar. Estamos orgullosos de nuestro legado de satisfacer las necesidades cambiantes de las familias vulnerables en todo Illinois e inspirados por los niños y las familias a las que servimos y sus historias de resiliencia.. Las historias de nuestro personal, los voluntarios y simpatizantes están construyendo futuros brillantes y creando nuevas historias para aquellos a quienes servimos. Su pasión y dedicación actúan como trampolín hacia nuevas oportunidades., nuevas conexiones y nuevos éxitos para cada niño y familia.

As a home visitor in our Healthy Start Home Visiting program, Rebecca works with new mothers, edad 22 and younger. Rebecca knows what it’s like to be a young, first-time mom. After graduating from Illinois State University in 2015, Rebecca was working as a foster care caseworker for a local organization when she became pregnant.

Originally from the south suburbs of Chicago, Rebecca lacked a support system in central Illinois so she was relieved when the local health department connected her with the Doula program en el hogar de niños & Ayuda. From the start, Rebecca’s doula was tremendously supportive, providing her with prenatal information and helping her to develop a birth plan. Rebecca’s doula was even present for the birth of her daughter. With her family living several hours away, it was comforting for Rebecca to know that she had caring support nearby.

When her daughter was a few months old, Rebecca decided to leave her foster care position to find a job that allowed her to spend more time with her daughter. Before a new position could startRebecca and her newborn daughter were eventually forced to move out of their apartment and into a homeless shelter.

Soon afterRebecca ran into her doula, who mentioned an open home visitor position at Children’s Home & Aid’s Bloomington office. Rebecca applied for the job and landed the position, which she began in January 2018. Today Rebecca is back in a home of her own. Her daughter is a vibrant, talkative, determinado, 1-year-old and is thriving beyond where Rebecca imagined she’d be at this age. Rebecca has used her own, firsthand experience to support young moms in our home visiting program.

Rebecca says, “My personal experience helps me be the best I can at my job. It allows me to put myself in my clients’ shoes and empower moms to be the parent their child needs.”

Hogar para niños & La historia de Aid comenzó con la visión de un hombre que creía que cada niño merecía un hogar amoroso.. Tu parte se está desarrollando hoy. Cual es tu historia?

Ver todas las historias  como parte de nuestro 135 aniversario.