On October 19, Earl Kloppmann, Children’s Home + Aid Program Manager of Parents Care + Share, was awarded the 2017 Friend of Children (FOC) Award by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois.

The FOC Award is given out at the annual Prevent Child Abuse Illinois Statewide Conference to recognize those who have had a long term commitment to children and families, and have shown substantial ‘above and beyond’ effort for the prevention of child abuse and neglect. This award recognizes the extraordinary contributions to the safety and well-being of children in Illinois; raises statewide awareness of the issue of child abuse and neglect, and promotes the idea that everyone has a role to play in preventing child abuse.

Earl leads the Blue Bow Campaign each April during National Child Abuse Awareness Month and has been with the Parents Care + Share program as well as the agency for more than 15 years. Please join us in congratulating Earl on this well-deserved recognition!

“Earl is someone who truly believes in the mission of service to others. During his time at Children’s Home + Aid, Earl has been the heart of prevention services, leading our parent support groups with passion, vision and quality. He has developed quality training, a parent leadership ladder and fatherhood involvement materials for this statewide program.

Earl has shared his gifts with over 60 parent groups per year where thousands of parents and children have come together to share the highs and fears around parenting. Earl believes in the strength of communities and has a talent for bringing people together to prevent child abuse. One person can make a difference and Earl is that person!”

—Mendy Smith, Program Director, Family Support Services at Children’s Home + Aid