Abril 1 marks the beginning of Child Abuse Prevention Month. Este mes es un momento para reconocer que todos tenemos un papel en la promoción del bienestar social y emocional de los niños y las familias en nuestras comunidades..

Desde 1989, the national Blue Bow Campaign has existed to raise awareness of child abuse and prevention. El Comité del Arco Azul de Illinois, dirigido por el Hogar de Niños & Ayuda y asociación de organizaciones de servicios sociales y comunitarios., has annually hosted dozens of events throughout the month of April—the nation’s Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Our hope is that these events is will bring attention to the pervasiveness of child abuse in Illinois and to educate the public about resources available in our communities to help parents and children prevent abuse. Last year in Illinois, 34,594 children were confirmed abused or neglected and 5,654 children were taken into protective custody.

Earl Kloppmann is the Children’s Home & Gerente del Programa de Ayuda de Atención a Padres & Compartir. He leads the Blue Bow Campaign each April and believes we can always do more to raise awareness.

Earl says, “The Blue Bow Campaign is incredibly important because the public has little awareness about how serious of a problem child abuse and neglect is in Illinois. Thirty to forty years ago, child abuse and neglect awareness messaging was more prominent. We are trying to bring its awareness back on the radar. We are trying to get the message out that there is a solution. There are six protective factors that make parents strong and prevent child abuse and neglect. These qualities can be easily learned and practiced by everyone!”

The six qualities in parents that have been proven to prevent child abuse and neglect:
  1. Be fuerte y flexible
  2. Develop friendships with others for apoyo
  3. Keep aprendiendo parenting knowledge and skills
  4. Seek ayuda in times of need
  5. Help your child communicate socially y emotionally
  6. Give your child the love y respeto they need

Blue Bow events will take place statewidejoin us!  For more information on events throughout Illinois and more, visita: https://www.childrenshomeandaid.org/bluebow/